
May 2021

May was amazing! We, practically, came out of the lockdown entirely. There are social distancing measures in place and clubs and big events are not allowed as yet, but I’m rather happy with the social distancing and also not bothered about big events (unless for work), so for us it’s pretty much back to normal. […]

Poppy in bloom

My garden in May

My garden in May looks very green. I didn’t buy lots of new plants because I was not sure which ones will pop up from last year. But, in a couple of weeks, I will go to some garden centres and get some more plants to replace the ones that didn’t make it. All of […]

LightNight 2021

LightNight 2021

LightNight 2021, in person, who would have imagined that after the last 14 months? Well, last year’s LightNight event was a bit disappointing in its online version, but this year it was pretty amazing. As usual, I looked on their programme to decide where we should go. My husband is not bothered, usually makes recommendations […]

The Vegan Kind. May Box

The Vegan Kind. May Box

It’s time for The Vegan Kind – May Box, the lifestyle box. I am very happy with the box this month, I like all of the items from it. Of course, I haven’t tried all, but the ones I tried were really good and I know how good are the rest, as I’ve tried them […]


Knowsley Safari Park. May 2021

A couple of day ago we went to Knowsley Safari Park. We only could get a slot at 9.30, exactly when they opened. It was a rainy morning and we thought it would be nice to do something outside, but not very outside. Well, it seemed that most of the animals at Knowsley had pretty […]

COVID-19 Vaccination

COVID-19 Vaccination

In UK 135,000+ people had their first dose a couple of days ago and I was one of them. I’ve decided to talk freely about this on my blog, as my experience might help others, who did not have their vaccine or might hesitate to have it, using real data, from reputable sources, such as […]

Going Shopping Again

Going Shopping Again

Going Shopping Again after many months in lockdown is both exciting and scary. I’ve decided to share my views on the shopping trip to Cheshire Oaks from yesterday. The non-essential shops have opened in England from 12th April and I’ve been to a few shops, in quieter areas and not at peak times. I haven’t […]

CBD Replenishing Moisture Cream

CBD Replenishing Moisture Cream

Today I share my thoughts on CBD Replenishing Moisture Cream after using it for a few months. This is one of the gifts my husband got for me for Christmas and this year I’ve started using it. After a few months I can share my thoughts on this moisturising cream, as I feel I’ve used […]

Mary Wortley Montagu Book Giveaway

Mary Wortley Montagu Book Giveaway

It’s been an year since my last giveaway and I’m very excited to share this giveaway with my readers. I read last month a fantastic book, The Pioneering Life of Mary Wortley Montagu by Jo Willett and that is the main prize for this giveaway. As one can easily imagine, reading a book is often […]