Liverpool Life Travel Events

LightNight 2016

I’ve been to LightNight every year since I moved to UK. Every year is something different, but it’s always a great night out.

We’ve started the afternoon at Liverpool Medical Institution. Prepare for a lot of pictures, it was so exciting we’ve spent a lot of time there.

01 LightNight 2016
We were able to test our skills as a surgeon. It was amazing.

03 LightNight 2016
Hubby did better than me. He was able to put a small bead on that metal stick. My beads were falling off, it’s much harder than it seems.

04 LightNight 2016
Another test prepared for LightNight at the Medical Institution was as serious as the first one: guess the bars of chocolate by looking at a scan. I’m not that knowledgeable when it comes to chocolate, so I didn’t finish the task.

The other room was dedicated to DNA. It was just as exciting as the surgeon skill box.

05 LightNight 2016
This was where we’ve extracted strawberry DNA. Well, this is the type of thing you do at LightNight… extract DNA from a strawberry! It was fun even before starting the complicated procedure.

06 LightNight 2016
I had to crush the strawberries, then I’ve added a chemical (I can’t remember the name). After that I did a centrifuge type of movement to mix it.

07 LightNight 2016
The strawberry “juice” was filtered in a smaller container. Another liquid was added to start the precipitation process. The DNA is removed carefully with a cocktail stick.

08 LightNight 2016
This was my strawberry’s DNA, for me to take home.

09 LightNight 2016
I also made a DNA sequence with marshmallows.

10 LightNight 2016
It’s not as easy as it seems. It was a lovely idea, I’m sure the kids would remember this one, especially if they indulge in the sweets after making the sequence. They also learned a couple of things about DNA, it’s a lovely way to get them involved in science.

After Liverpool Medical Institutions, we went to Victoria Gallery and Museum.

11 LightNight 2016
There we had a lovely chat with the plaque doctor, we’ve sniffed some lavender to keep us safe and reminded ourselves of the medical treatment available at the time… well, the last resort was praying.

Next stop was at a Science Fair at the Liverpool Guild of Students. Hubby had a long chat about solar power and different ways to store and use it that power. It made us think, especially as solar power is something we are both interested in. We considered investing in solar panels, but from my point of view, it doesn’t make financial sense at the moment. I think the government should try to increase the incentives, not reduce them as they are doing now.

12 LightNight 2016
I had my eyes tested for glaucoma with a smart phone. I’m healthy and the project is great. It would offer cheap, portable and easy ways to test people from developing countries.

13 LightNight 2016

After that we headed up to Liverpool Cathedral, went to Tate on Albert Docks and Maritime Museum. Some of the events were finished when we arrived, so we had a look at some of the exhibits. We decided to go to the Central Library.

14 LightNight 2016
In front of the library we saw Morris dancers, the same group as we saw at the Well Dressing in Stoney Middleton.

15 LightNight 2016
This was the queue for the silent disco. We obviously skipped it and went to St. George’s Hall to see the country dances. I wanted to join in, but after all the walking I was too tired.

It was a great night out, I enjoyed extracting DNA, having my eyes tested, see the dance at St. George’s Hall and try my skills as a surgeon.

Have you been to LightNight?

5 Comment

  1. I cannot believe I missed LightNight. I only heard about in on Saturday and was actually in Liverpool on Friday evening! Could kick myself. I didn’t realise we were so close to each other! đŸ™‚

  2. Unfortunately I have not been to LightNight, but it sounds like an amazing event that I would love to attend next year if possible.

  3. I want to get some strawberry DNA! You always go to such cool things like this đŸ™‚

    Corinne x

  4. This looks fascinating. I never tried to go to Light Night but it reminds me of quite a similar event in Germany where these inventions are displayed and open for trials. Really enjoyable.

  5. Looks like you had a brilliant time! I’d forgotten all about it until I was on my way home from work! Unfortunately I was too pooped to head back out and check any of the events out, next year though I really want to go have a wander about some of the exhibits! I love the surgery practice and the strawberry dna extraction, how fun!

    Sarah đŸ™‚

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