Reviews Sundry

Vitamin D BetterYou

Yesterday I’ve talked about Vitamin B12 BetterYou, and today I’m going to talk about another vitamin: Vitamin D BetterYou*. I mentioned yesterday details about BetterYou, the award winning company that makes these supplements. See more about them on their website (

Vitamin D BetterYou oral spray

The current NHS guidelines recommend taking Vitamin D supplements during the Winter months, from between October and early March because we don’t get enough through exposure to sunlight. This might make you wonder why I’m talking about Vitamin D BetterYou in June, when the sun is up and we all have exposure to sunlight. The fact is that I use sunscreen every day.

After I saw a medical TV show in which it was shown the damage the sunlight can do to the skin, ageing it, I’ve started using sunscreen even in the cold, cloudy days. As you can see on the NHS’s website, the body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on the skin when outdoors. By using sunscreen daily, I will not get my vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, but, hopefully, I can postpone having new wrinkles appearing.

For my face and arms I might use sunscreen with SPF 50, or, alternatively sunscreen with SPF 15 followed by a primer with SPF 15, before applying makeup. If I’m using only the sunscreen with SPF 50, I usually apply some powder to make my face less white from the sunscreen.

Keep in mind that some day face cream have sun protection, varying from SPF 10 to SPF 15 from considering the products I’ve used in the past. Also, the primer and foundation might have sun protection too. Mine have SPF 15. So, even if you are not specifically using sunscreen as I am, you might not get enough vitamin D if you are wearing makeup. Of course, in the summer we are wearing dresses and short sleeves, but it might not be enough. Have a think of what you are wearing and how much skin is exposed, how much time you spend outside. I know I need supplements and I’m taking them each day.

Vitamin D BetterYou

Vitamin D BetterYou is easy to use and it has a lovely mild minty flavour. I was expecting it to be more intense, as peppermint is quite a strong flavour, but it’s not. Before trying the Vitamin D BetterYou, I took pills. I have to say I prefer the oral spray because I really don’t like taking pills.

Vitamin D BetterYou in box

Vitamin D BetterYou. Technical bits.

– Recommended: 1 spray a day
– Pack contains 100 sprays
– 15ml
– Peppermint flavour
– Vegetarian
– Once opened, use within 6 months
– Store at room temperature, out of direct sunlight
– Made in UK

Should we supplement?
Yes. During the Winter months and even during the Summer if you are like me and you are using sunscreen very often.

*PR sample. All opinions are my own.

4 Comment

  1. I’m sat here wishing I could use a Vit D spray! I’m currently on the highest vitamin D dose prescribed by the doctors and I’ll shortly be dropping down to a smaller dose. I hate trying to swallow tablets/capsules, so this would be so much easier!

  2. Sounds like a great idea and I really like that it’s a spray instead of a tablet. Being pregnant, I spend my life taking blooming tablets so it’s nice to get a little health boost without it feeling like a chore.

  3. I’ve been thinking I need to look into my vitamin D levels – happy to hear there are vegetarian friendly options out there!

  4. Oh wow I know how important Vitamin D is for your overall general wellbeing and this looks like such an easy way to make sure you get enough – going to have to put this on my list, thanks for sharing

    Laura x

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