Reviews Restaurants & Pubs

The Real Greek

The Real Greek is a restaurant chain, with restaurants in London and a few in South. My husband loves Greek and Mediterranean food, so we’ve decided we are going to have lunch at the Real Greek when we were in London earlier this month.
We picked the restaurant from Marylebone for lunch, as it was perfect for our plans. Before that we went to see the Wallace Collection (post will follow next month), and after lunch we went to Selfridges. All are in walking distance, less than 10 minutes away.

The Real Greek - Marylebone

We didn’t make a reservation as we weren’t sure when we’ll get there. Luckily we found a table, even though it was quite busy. We’ve decided to pick from the set lunch menu, as they had two vegetarian options. As we always do, we picked both and we’ve shared between us.

The food arrived quickly and it was delicious. The price per person is £7.95, and I think that is pretty good, even amazing, considering we were in London, in a central location.

We’ve ordered GREEK TRIO, that means we could pick 3 things, two ramekins, bread or salad, a main with chips, rice, potatoes, or salad. The second dish was GREEK PLATE, with halloumi.

Houmous and Feta dip

These are the first dishes from GREEK TRIO: Flatbread, Houmous, and Spicy feta dip (Htipiti). I have to admit I didn’t hear before of Htipiti, but this is something I’m going to order again. And I will also make it at home. It was amazing.
As for the houmous and bread, they were both delicious.

Halloumi kebabs and Aubergine with sauce

After the dips, we were served the mains. In the TRIO we had grilled Aubergine with garlic tomato sauce and chips. It was really good, I liked it.
The GREEK PLATE had halloumi, saffron rice, Greek salad, tzatziki, and warm flatbread. It was nicely prepared. The halloumi was a bit dry, but I would order it again.

I loved the food, my husband loved the food too. We are going to keep them in mind for next time we are in London, as the prices are great, the locations are central, so a perfect stop on a busy day. The service was very good too.

As I said before, the one I’ve been to is The Real Greek in Marylebone. Address is 56 Paddington Street, London W1U 4HY. Look on their website to see what other restaurants they have.

2 Comment

  1. Mmmm I could eat Houmous all day long, I love it! That seems like a great price for London food too! x

  2. Ooooh I recently won a competition for a free meal The Real Greek – but the branch on the Thames – and I’m glad to hear and see the food is delicious! I’m excited to go, I’ve never been out for Greek food before! 🙂

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