Books I read and books I didn't read

Books I read and books I didn’t read

The title Books I read and books I didn’t read sounds a bit strange, but this month I stopped reading 2 books. I stopped because one was terribly boring and the other one wasn’t what I thought it would be. Initially I thought it’s pointless to talk about them because I didn’t finish them, but […]

30 Questions about me

Another batch of questions about me, the ones from the 365 Provoking questions I’m answering to this year. 01. What is your most beloved childhood memory? I have a few, I don’t know which is the most beloved. I remember when I went to a BBQ with a lot of friends and parents when I […]

Middleham Castle

Middleham Castle

Middleham Castle is the last attraction we’ve been to on our trip to north Yorkshire at the beginning of the month. Middleham Castle is owned and managed by English Heritage. The nephew of William the Conqueror built a wooden castle in the 11th century, after the Norman conquest. Only the circular earthwork that surrounded the […]

Viking Arty Party

Viking Arty Party

Today starts the National Stationery Week. To celebrate, I was invited to Viking Arty Party, organized by Viking. I was so excited to try new things, as there were planned three very interesting activities on the day. It was a really fab event, I had the chance to chat to lovely bloggers I haven’t seen […]

Royal Armouries

Royal Armouries Leeds

The Royal Armouries in Leeds were on my list to see for a long time. I jumped at the opportunity to see the Royal Armouries Museum when we had to go to Leeds earlier this month. I thought that a couple of hours will be enough to see the whole museum. I was so wrong. […]

National Stationery Week

National Stationery Week

Next week, from 24th to 30th April, it’s National Stationery Week. Writing is important for me, I take notes when I’m at a seminar or at a fair, I write my shopping lists and cards for special occasions. I have a diary (actually 2) filled with to-do lists and goals and other bits&pieces. I always […]

Easter and Duck Race

I was wondering if I should talk about my Easter and Duck race in the same post. It was a good idea in the end as we managed to miss the race while searching for a car park, more on that to come. On Easter the weather wasn’t great. We had a couple of long […]

Mount Grace Priory

Mount Grace Priory

In our trip north we ended up visiting Mount Grace Priory, an interesting and beautiful priory. According to their website, Mount Grace Priory, the unusual monastery, is the best preserved Carthusian priory in Britain. I have to admit I didn’t hear about the Carthusians before visiting the priory. The funny thing is that now that […]

York Cold War Bunker

York Cold War Bunker

One of the most unusual English Heritage properties can be found in York, it’s called York Cold War Bunker. Considering it was decommissioned in 1991, it’s very different than the castles and abbeys we can see in the English Heritage booklet. This is not the first bunker we visit, as we’ve been to Hack Green […]

Ye Olde Starre Inne

Ye Olde Starre Inne

As my husband and I both work from home, we don’t have the opportunity to have drinks after work. Dressing up and going out is more a date or a night out than drinks after work. I wanted to take advantage of our time away with work in Harrogate earlier this month and we said […]