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Handmade Tinsel Wreath

Yesterday I’ve made our tinsel wreath. Now I’m thinking I didn’t even look online how to make it, wouldn’t recommend that.

02 handmade christmas tinsel wreath

The Christmas wreath was easy to make. I don’t have any pictures, as hubby was busy with something else and I couldn’t make it and take pictures at the same time.

I’ve cut a ring of cardboard with a thickness of 2″. As I didn’t have 2 round things to use as a guide, I traced one and then I’ve made the other markings using the ruler. It doesn’t matter if it’s slightly off. There are rings at craft stores, some of them are made from polyester, so they can be left outside.

I had to cut some of the icicles of the tinsel, so I can stick it easier to the base. I’ve used simple transparent scotch tape. I didn’t want to use the glue gun as I wasn’t sure it would look nice and the tinsel is light, I didn’t think it will be a problem. I’ve wrapped around the tinsel on the cardboard base. For this wreath I’ve used 2 tinsels of 2m each.

At the end, I’ve used white cotton to add the baubles on the wreath.

01 handmade tinsel wreath

We’ve placed the wreath on the internal door of the porch. As I said, the base is cardboard and it wouldn’t last outside.

03 handmade wreath

04 easy handmade tinsel wreath

05 tinsel wreath

Also, having it there means that we can see it from the house and I love that.

06 handmade wreath for christmas

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