
May 2024

May was an exciting month. I finally had my graduation from the 2-year course I finished at Oxford in 2021. Amusingly, I had my graduation from KCL last year, studies I could only undertake because I finished my Oxford course with a good grade. I’ve decided to wear my Vyshyvanka from Ukraine because of my […]


Signs of war in Ukraine

Signs of war in Ukraine is my last post on my visit in Ukraine last month. I wanted to show how beautiful Ukraine is, how rich its culture is, before looking at the signs of war. I did share a few things that where related to war, but this post is focused only on war. […]


Walk through Kyiv

Walk through Kyiv is a round-up of pictures I didn’t share before, from Kyiv. I shared quite a few pictures from Kyiv in previous posts: Holodomor Museum, Pechersk Lavra (almost 1,000 years old church), I shared pictures of the burned russian metal and how Ukraine remembers its heroes. Saint Sophia is one of the most […]

Kyiv Pechersk Lavra

Kyiv Pechersk Lavra

Kyiv Pechersk Lavra or Kyiv Monastery of the Caves is an impressive church which is so worth visiting. It was established in 1051 and it is an Orthodox monastery. When we visited we did not have time to see all the museum displays and the lady from the ticket office gave us a simple ticket […]

Oxford Botanic Garden entrance

Oxford Botanic Garden

Enjoy my pictures from Oxford Botanic Garden, taken a few days ago. I don’t know much about the name of the plants, so this is a mainly-pictures kind of post. The penultimate picture is of a Jewish cemetery in front of the Botanic Garden, dating back to the 12th and 13th centuries. The last picture […]

Holodomor Museum

Holodomor Museum

One of the main reasons I went to Ukraine was to see Holodomor Museum. For my Master’s I am studying an Anglo-American journalist who denied that the famine of 1932-1933 was happening in the ussr. In Ukraine, which was the breadbasket of ussr and both the most affected by the famine, this genocide is remembered […]

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle was on my list of places to visit for a while and we’ve been in Windsor a few times, but never when the castle was open to the visitors. I highly recommend visiting the castle, but also allowing for about 4 hours if you don’t get an audio guide and about 5 if […]

Lviv Opera

Walk through Lviv

Walk through Lviv is an opportunity to share a few more pictures from that beautiful city. I will also talk about the place where we stayed, at the end of the post. I shared a few posts on museums and places I’ve been to, so there is no need to make a round-up of those. […]

vyshyvanka for women

What I bought from Ukraine

I want to share what I bought from Ukraine. In the post I will describe the items, as some of them have a very special meaning. I also received some gifts that I will mention at the end of the post. Vyshyvanka is the Ukrainian traditional shirt. The Vyshyvanka is seen as a talisman, protecting […]


Lvivarnya Brewery Museum

Lvivarnya Brewery Museum was the last place we visited in Ukraine. We wanted to do something relaxing and fun before doing our volunteering and leaving for Poland. This is such a wonderful place, it is a museum, a brewery, and a bar. There are display boards in English too, which is very helpful, because the […]