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Potted Passiflora

I wanted to share updates from my garden, but it doesn’t look like anything will grow this month. I planted some bulbs, which were almost all taken out by magpies. Well, I know I need to buy potted flowers and replant them instead of bulbs for next year. Instead I’m going to share how the indoor passiflora is doing. I have a large passiflora outside, you can see it in the first picture of this post. It was grown from seed. In the last years a few passifloras grew from its seeds, scattered in the garden. I planted two in the raised beds in the garden, but it would have been too much, so I’ve decided to put one in a pot, inside.

Potted Passiflora

Here is my potted passiflora. It is quite big considering that it doesn’t have a lot of room for its roots. We thought a lot on what we should let it grow on, so, by chance I came up with this fun solution: a stainless steel oil lid. It can be put in the pot and the water and soil will not damage it, which is great. Also, because it is in a round shape, it means the passiflora looks more like a leaves bouquet. I think trellis are great outside, but even a small one would have been a bit too much indoors.

Potted Passiflora

I planted it in the pot last Autumn and kept it only indoors. I moved it to take the pictures, but it is on the window sill. It is growing lovely and it has kept its leaves, unlike the one outdoors, which has only a few leaves left. It will grow in the Spring and Summer, as it did each year. I am very curious how the one indoor will develop when it will have more sunlight.

Have you ever tried to grow an outdoor plant indoor?

17 Comment

  1. Hi Anca,

    I’m signed up to get bloglovin alerts for you but haven’t received one for a long time. I’m sorry I’ve missed these posts. I enjoy your blog so much. So, forgive my lack of visits! I tried to sign up again but couldn’t so not sure what the glitch is. Love your gorgeous plant!

  2. I’ve always found these to be beautiful flowers (almost otherworldly), but have never tried growing any myself. I’ll be curious to see how well the inside plant blooms.

    You need to get Festus to scare off the magpies. ; )
    Kelly recently posted…Cafe On The WaterMy Profile

    1. This is an offspring of the big passiflora we have outside, which was grown from seed. It had 3 offsprings, I planted 2 outside and this one, inside. The one outside bloomed after a few years, so I have to wait for a while to see if this one does too.

      As for the magpies, I would never do that, I love watching them hop around the garden. Also, when Festus was a pup, we took him to the park and made him sit relaxed while pigeons were flopping around him. I don’t want my dog to scare other animals… although I never managed to make him not want to chase cats. :))

      Love your last puzzle, it looks like it’s from Amsterdam or the Netherlands anyway. Very cute.

  3. I think that when the spring arrives and your plant gets a bit more sunlight, you’ll find that it will go mad and grow at a great rate of knots! Still you could always stand it outdoors in a pot and grow it up against a wall, rather than planting it in the flower bed.

    I have never grown any outdoor plants indoors, but I have done things the other way around. We had an indoor azalea given to us as a gift and when it began shedding its leaves everywhere, I got really annoyed with it and decided to plant it in a small space in the flowerbed, on the basis that when I bought something better, I would dig it up and throw it out – Wrong! That plant grew, thrived and flowered every year for more than 10 years and was actually one of the largest bushes in the flower bed. It was only when we had some alterations done and the builders dug it up, that it finally gave up the ghost and died!

    I hope that your passiflora continues to thrive, it looks really healthy 🙂

  4. I didn’t know magpies can dig for bulbs. In our garden it’s the squirrel thugs who dig up bulbs, bite a piece and then throw out. Your passiflora looks healthy and very pretty too.

    1. Our magpies do. I saw one taking out a bulb, so I know who to blame for lack of flowers. :)) They also took out a carrot and salad, grown from scraps. We have some rather naught magpies.

  5. I had not thought about putting Passiflora inside. It looks very luscious! The oil splatter mesh lid is a great idea to use. I brought in my chilli plant I grew last year and it has survived all through Winter – it even developed flowers a few weeks ago but it really needs to be watered so it took umbrage when I forgot to water it for a couple of days and keeled over. It’s slowly coming back but I have to be nice to it.

  6. I grow on quite a few outdoor plants indoors when they’re from seed or young plugs but I’ve never tried to grow a proper full size outdoor plant inside. That’s such a good idea about the stainless steel frame – great tip, I shall have to remember that! 🙂

    1. I am very curious how it will develop in time. The frame looks pretty good after months of using, so I’m hoping this too will be long lasting.

  7. I’m not very good with gardening and I can’t remember have I ever tried to grow an outdoor plant indoors. I used to have lots of flowers on my balcony in Split and a nice garden in one house I lived in, but since I moved to my new house, it’s been hard to grow anything. Right now, I’m trying to grow some succulents. I recently bought some lavender and rosemary for my balcony.

    1. Succulents look amazing. I am thinking of getting some. I have lavender in the garden and it looks like the cold weather doesn’t agree with it, but the rosemary is doing great.
      I hope your plants will thrive. xx

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