A quick update on my garden. I’ve added a few more plants to replace the ones that did not make it through the winter. I also have veggies growing in the garden, which was not what I wanted. I bought 3 “small” tomato plants for the conservatory, to raise in pots and now they are in big pots in the garden because they grew too much. But, at least, I learned never to buy tomato plants for the conservatory and I will, hopefully, have a crop in a few months.
Also, I got some new dahlias, small ones, because I love the look of dahlias. But, before that, the Agapanthus had to be moved to a pot. It looked sad without any flowers, but in a pot and with a much smaller root ball it’s flourishing. Look at all those gorgeous flowers.
The flowers in the raisedbed are gorgeous. I love that I can add more as others are not surviving and turning into compost. I rarely remove something from the raisedbed. The echinacea looks pretty awesome.
Bees are loving the flowers too.
Did you notice the black cala lilies? I think they are a great addition as the colourful flowers are noticeable and after that these black flowers come as a surprise.
The dahlias in the pictures above and below are new additions, small ones that are so pretty and cute.
The huge Dahlia is wonderful. I love the look of it.
The figs are growing nicely, but I’m yet to have one.
Next week I’m going to harvest one of the courgettes. How lovely is to grow some food.
The tomatoes are a headache, as I never wanted to have some big plants in the garden. Overall though it is an interesting experience.
These peppers are in the conservatory. It’s both lovely and yummy.
I like the interesting short dahlias you sourced. We followed television coverage of both Chelsea and Hampton Court flower shows this year and really noticed some of the amazing dahlia displays almost for the first time. We are both now totally addicted to adding some to our garden!
I highly recommend dahlias, they are hardy and flower for months, especially if you deadhead them. I am very happy with all of mine and I have quite a few. :))
The small ones are from a garden centre. There were a few colours to pick from, which is always great.
Your garden is looking great!! The flowers are so pretty and well done with the veggies. x
Kim Carberry recently posted…Our weekly meal plan! 25th – 31st July. #MealPlanningMonday
So beautiful! I love seeing dahlias and echinacea.
Nikki – Notes of Life recently posted…Gardenwatch: July
Your garden looks terrific, Anca. I’m impressed with all your blooms and veggies but especially by the agapanthus. Our winters are too cold for them to survive in the ground and in the pot it never seemed to do all that well. They’re such lovely, showy blossoms. You have a beautiful variety and such wonderful color! Well done!
Thank you. I am very happy with the array of colours too. It’s so wonderful to work from home and see the garden daily.
Everything looks beautiful! I don’t think I knew there were any black flowers (naturally) and I’ve just “googled” and found a number of varieties. They’re lovely and so different!
Granted we got a late start (and have had an unusually hot summer), but tomatoes were a total fail for us this year. I’d be happy to take those plants off your hands, so enjoy your harvest! 😉
Kelly recently posted…Ponderings #34
I love black flowers. I would have added more. I like black pansies and tulips too, but I didn’t find any when I was buying new plants.
For me tomatoes are too time consuming, I prefer growing herbs and edible flowers, which basically only need harvesting. Also, I imagined those will be around 30-40 cm in height… and they are about 1m30cm. :)) Well, it is an interesting experience none the less.