Wales Travel


I few days ago I talked about the vegan options in Aberystwyth and today I will talk about the town.
It is situated in mid-Wales, on the coast. It had about 16k citizens at the last census. Despite its size, it has quite a few tourist attractions on offer. It is both an university town and a seaside resort, so it feels like a mix of Blackpool and Oxbridge. It felt rather unusual. There are many more attractions open from Spring to Autumn, but we visited in December because I was doing research. Once again, this is a fascinating aspect of Aberystwyth, it houses the National Library of Wales, where the archives are situated. I shared lots of pictures. Enjoy!

Aberystwyth Castle

Aberystwyth Castle

Aberystwyth Castle

War memorial

War memorial

Aberystwyth promenade

Aberystwyth promenade

Aberystwyth promenade

Church of St Michael and All Angels outside

Church of St Michael and All Angels

Church of St Michael and All Angels outside

National Library of Wales

National Library of Wales

National Library of Wales

National Library of Wales

National Library of Wales

National Library of Wales

Pen Dinas Hill Fort

The chimney-like monument was built in the 1850s as a memorial to the Duke of Wellington to commemorate the Battle of Waterloo. It was public funded.

Pen Dinas Hill Fort

Pen Dinas Hill Fort – an extensive Iron Age, Celtic hillfort.

Pen Dinas Hill Fort

Aberystwyth Arts Centre

Aberystwyth Arts Centre, near the university.


What I would like to see, but were closed: Old College of Aberystwyth University (in renovation); Aberystwyth Cliff Railway; Vale of Rheidol Railway; Amgueddfa Ceredigion Museum (open, but we didn’t have time).

6 Comment

  1. This looks like a great place to visit. You’ll have to return so you can see the things you missed. Maybe in a different season. My favorite photo is the one looking down the Promenade.
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