Snowdrop and handmade vase

These snowdrops are from my garden. I love growing plants, pick them and decorate the living room. I’ve bought a special vase, handmade by a British ceramic artist. I like her vases, especially the slimline collection. The vase is made from porcelain and that was perfect for me, as I avoid the ceramic made from […]

The Small Animal Show 2015

I’ll start with my favourite picture from yesterday: Me & Hubby, with a mouse each. The Small Animal Show was held in Harrogate, at the Great Yorkshire Showground. It’s an annual show, started from 1921 and it’s the oldest UK Championship dedicated to small animals. At this show there were around 3,000 small animals. Hubby […]

8 Good things

Apparently this week I was mad about food, by looking at the picture, although my good list includes other topics too. 1. Cozy nights in. Living in our own house, again, changed slightly the way we feel when we relax in the evenings at home. I’m much more relaxed knowing that there isn’t any chance […]

Greens restaurant

Greens is a vegetarian restaurant in Manchester, opened in 1990 by Chef Simon Rimmer. The Chef is not vegetarian, I found that a little strange, but in a good way. I can only rejoice for his decision to open it like this. The cuisine is modern British and that’s always a winner in my book. […]


Yesterday we should have been in Glasgow, but the car battery died the night before. All the stores were closed at that time and we had  to wait to get the new battery in the morning. As we had to be there early for an event, we’ve cancelled the trip to Glasgow. We’ve ended up […]

My dog

We usually don’t have the phone or camera close enough to be able to take pictures of the dog while he is sleeping or relaxing in strange positions… but yesterday we’ve been lucky. Enjoy.

7 Good things

1. Loosing weight: 400g. I’ve lost 400g from 8th January to 15th January (when I weighted myself), while eating in average 1946 calories and doing 7 workouts of P90X3. I’m very happy with the result and still working hard to loose a little extra weight. 2. Leather-look sofas. This week, while we were window shopping, […]

New boots from ASOS

I bought a pair of beautiful boots from Asos last week, taking advantage of their sale, only £31. Even if it’s not a great idea to wear new footwear on a long journey, I had them on for a day in London. It was great, very comfy and the heel height is perfect for everyday. […]

Life is short, eat dessert first

This is how our kitchen wall looks like. We’ve painted a funny motivational quote near the kitchen sink. Hubby and I discussed a lot about what we’ll write. After choosing 2 quotes and discussing about them for a long time, we’ve decided for: “Life is short, eat dessert first”. Although I can’t see the downside […]

8 Good things

As on Sunday we’ve been to London, I had to postpone the blog for a day. This is my good things list for last week: 1. New boots. I found some lovely new boots at Asos. As I don’t wear real leather, finding boots that I really like and happen to fit can be a […]