Europe Travel

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower is iconic and a must-see in Paris. Why is it so important I can’t understand, but I went to see it. I can’t say that I “got it” after seeing it. I think there are many more important landmarks of Paris that Eiffel Tower, built for advertising in the 1889 World’s Fair. There was nothing on Eiffel at the gift shop, which is something I would have liked to get, especially as he built the Eiffel Bridge, a bridge over the River Prut, connecting Moldova and Romania, opened in 1877. We went to see it during the day, but it was raining, and so we went back again in the evening and bought tickets to go to the 2nd floor. It was not crowded and the waiting time was not too bad. I think visiting it in the evening is better, unless the day is very sunny but not hot.

Enjoy the pictures.

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower

Under the tower





view of Paris

view of Paris

view of Paris

Eiffel Tower

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