
Walk through Nîmes

After talking about 2 important Roman buildings, Arènes de Nîmes and Maison Carrée, today I take you on a walk through Nîmes. It is a lovely city with great transport links. Nîmes could be a great “base” for day trips to nearby cities, such as Avignon, Montpellier, and Marseille. I would like to go to […]

Arènes de Nîmes

Arènes de Nîmes and Maison Carrée

Arènes de Nîmes and Maison Carrée are two amazing Roman constructions in Nîmes. They are about 5 minutes walk from each other. There are joint tickets, which include a tower and a museum. I haven’t seen the tower, but I saw the museum, which will be included in a round-up of Nîmes. Arènes de Nîmes […]


June 2024

I spent the first 2 weeks of June in France. My husband had work commitments there, while I was busy finishing my thesis. After that we had a well deserved week off for holiday. We went to a few places: Montpellier, Marseille, Aix en Provence, Nîmes, and Avignon, on top of a few smaller cities, […]


Palais Longchamp

Palais Longchamp is called a palace, but in fact is a water reservoir. This gorgeous fountain which has two museums, on each side is a beauty, well worth visiting in Marseille. It was built after the cholera pandemic of 1835 and the project involved constructing a 85km canal to bring water from the Durance river […]

Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Montpellier

Walk through Montpellier

I think Montpellier was my favourite city in southern France. Of course all have amazing and interesting things to see, but I just liked the feel and atmosphere of Montpellier better. La cathédrale Saint-Pierre is one of the most unusual I saw. That entrance looks so unique. The cathedral dates back to the 14th century. […]

Oriel entrance

Oriel Oxford

I finished my course, so today I am sharing pictures of Oriel Oxford, my college. I could have shared double the number of pictures, so there are things missing. The college is 698 years old, established in 1326, under Edward II. It is one of the smallest colleges by size, naturally for a college so […]

tower and path

Carbonniere Tower

Carbonniere Tower is a 14th century tower in Southern France, close to Aigues-Mortes. Because I have so many pictures of it, I’ve decided to make a dedicated post instead of including it in a round-up. I think I like the moody feel of the pictures as well. It was the only cloudy day we had […]

What I bought from France

What I bought from France

I made a post with what I bought from Ukraine, so today I am talking about what I bought from France. We spent 2 weeks there and I got some pretty random and fun things. These are all the things I bought or my husband bought as a gift for me. I will talk about […]

cat sleeping

La Maison du Chats

La Maison du Chats is a cat cafe in Montpellier. We were visiting the city and wanted to go for lunch at a veggie restaurant. It was closed because the owner was on holiday, so we moved along the street. A few doors down it was La Maison du Chats! They had a table for […]

Camp des Milles

Camp des Milles

Camp des Milles is now a memorial site. It was a 1900s tile factory which was transformed into a detention camp in September 1939. Thousands of Jews were sent to Auschwitz from this place. It is worth a visit, without any doubt. It is one of the best museums I’ve seen and surely the best […]